18 December 2009

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (the unofficial review)

It's VERY safe to say that I am officially in love with Neil Patrick Harris. He acts SO well I don't think I can express my joy about it. And he's cute. I told my friends about my crush, and then I said it was a good thing there was no social stigma for crushing on a homosexual man. Then secret codename Ricks pointed out I would do it anyway even if there was a social stigma. So yes, I'm totally crushing on Neil Patrick Harris. Besides, he can sing!

And because of finals, you all will get a real review later. Instead, make do with these lists I compiled.

Favorite Songs:
Brand New Day
On the Rise
Bad Horse's songs

Favorite Quotes:

Captain Hammer (holds up fists): " . . . Because these are not the hammer." Pause. "The hammer is my penis."

Billy: "Love your hair."
Penny: "Huh?"
Billy: "I-I-I-I-I love the air."

Billy: "I want to do something great with my life --- like Bad Horse."
Penny: "The Thoroughbred of Sin??"
Billy: "I mean . . . Ghandi."

Captain Hammer: "Especially that guy, he smells like poo."

Groupie 2: (holds up picture of Captain Mal) He signed this.

Dr. Horrible: "Anarchy, that I run!"

Groupie 2: "This is his dry cleaning bill"
Groupies: "For sweater vests!"

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